
Push Kitty Store

Created by Push Kitty

Home of many fun items including the Little Buddha Tarot, Pastel Kitty Tarot and Tarot Ball Z decks.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Project We Love, unlocked Stretch Goals & More!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 10:54:28 PM

I told myself that I wouldn't bombard you guys will updates, but I wanted to share some exciting news!

1. Kickstarter has labeled The Little Buddha Tarot Campaign as a "project we love"! Wow, how sweet is that!

2. We have unlocked 2 stretch goals, the stickers and the original High Priestess card. I love the Owl High Priestess, it's beautiful and I believe the energy is super High Priestess-y lol. Any who, I'm a gal who loves options, so you guys will get them both. So excited to add this card to the limited edition deck, woohoo!

3. I have revised the second limited edition stretch goal to upgrade the companion boolet so it can include colored images! I love colored books and I believe the images and symbols would pop a lot more if they are in color. At this point we are at 88 cards & I love that number, so I think its best to keep the number of cards at 88.

4. I have finalised the design for the reading mat, which is pretty much a large mousepad (12"x27"). I have so many reading cloths that wrinkle or they are too small for larger readings, so I decided to make one that can fit a full on Celtic cross lol!🤪 It is durable, anti-wrinkle and anti-slip, hope you guys love it!

5. I started setting up some FAQ’s. So far I have listed more information about the difference between the companion booklet and the full sized guidebook. I have also listed a rough draft of the amazing content that will be included in the Little Buddha Tarot Journal. In short, it is a hybrid journal designed to morph into a grimoure, so cool! Feel free to check out the FAQ’s if you would like more information about the fullsized guidebook or journal. Additionally, I have decided to share a rough draft of the cover art and table of contents for the journal so you guys can get a feel of the vibe. It is just so cute, can't wait to get my hands on it!

Thats all I have for now. I will continue to update you guys thorughout the campaign. Communication is super important to me so dont hesitate to eeach out if you have any questions or just want to chat about tarot lol I can talk about tarot all day🤓.  Also if you can, please share the project to help spread the word so we can unlock some more delicious stretch goals! I have a feeling that plush will be so stinking cute! 

As always, thank you so much! you guys are literally the best!

Reading Mat
Reading Mat
Journal Sample (Draft)

We Did It!!! Woohooo!🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
over 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 08:54:34 AM

OMG we did it! Fully funded in less than 24hrs, Woohoo! 🥳🥳🧡🥳🎉🎉

Thank you so much all of your kind words and support. I feel all warm & fuzzy inside, you guys are super awesome! Next we will smash through those stretch goals for some sweet upgrades, so exciting!

A few new things:

1. I have updated the images for Tarot Ball Z & will be uploading the design for the Little Buddha reading mat very soon. 

2. For those of us who have backed decks, its time to start selecting colors for the matte painted edging on the Limited Edition Little Buddha Tarot and The Pastel Kitty Tarot. I'd love for you guys to help me pick a color. Check out the options and let me know your picks in the comments!

3.The edging for Tarot Ball Z is a no brainer, but I do have 2 versions of the back design and I would love if you guys would share your preference on that as well!

4. I will be running polls on my instagram all week. So go ahead and follow @PuskKitty to stay updated and vote for your favs!

5. I have added a bunch of new pledge tiers to help make things easier. If there is a tier that you need and don't see it listed, feel free to reach out and I will take care of it.

Alrighty thats all I have for now. Sending you all a tsunami of love, abundance & joy!

Peace, love & namaste💖

Matte Edging for the Limited Little Buddha and Pastel Kitty Tarot
Back Designs for Tarot Ball Z: White vs Orange

Gratitude & Tarot Tiles
over 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 08:51:28 AM

Wow! We are off to an amazing start and I just want to thank you guys soooooo so much for your support!

I have recieved some messages about the Tarot Tiles and wanted to provide a bit of clarity. The tiles will be 1.25''x2'' in size. They are made of a sturdy thick (pressed) cardboard with an anti-scratch finish. I went ahead and ordered one of those expensive samples from the printer because I really wanted to get an idea of the quality. 

They are expected to arrive this Friday. I will post additional photos along with a live showing on my instagram as soon as they arrive. See some of the candid photos taken by the printer below.

Thanks again for your kindness and support, you guys are the best!